Monday, August 28, 2017

Term 3

So I'm sitting here watching my 13's and I think to myself where has 5 years gone? I remember when they started as if it were yesterday. Little did i know at that time despite all the drama and annoyance they would cause me, they are probably the one year group that taught me so much as well.

I've been a Dean here a long time now, and in those years I have seen many student's come and go, each year is different and no Yr 9's are ever alike. So imagine my shock when this lot rolled in as Yr 9's. The first week was one filled drama week, with everyone trying to figure out where they sit in the hierarchy of Yr 9, trying to figure out if their Dean is really mean. Causing drama in their classes, drama with each other. I remember Hobbit and Mira having a fight over a game of touch :) one I'm sure had something to do with Tu'i Moa lol.

I remember